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FlexPerf Trip Performance Module for Universal Avionics SBAS Flight Management System (FMS) provides advanced fuel-saving predictions for aircraft performance in climb, cruise, and descent phases of flight.
The heart of FlexPerf is a “flexible” intelligent design feature continuously recording actual aircraft fuel burn during every phase of flight. Using this data, FlexPerf applies improvements to the baseline aircraft performance data stored in the FMS. Even the most diminutive aircraft changes that could affect performance, like new paint and engine health, are sensed and combined into the FlexPerf algorithm. The resulting calculations provide aircraft performance predictions to build an accurate performance profile, with ETA and fuel remaining for the flight to assist with crew planning.
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FlexPerf helps you achieve the most efficient fuel economy by advising the best climb, descent and speed commands for each flight phase. It is available in FMS Software Control Number (SCN) 1001 and MMMS SCN 1101.
Performance database tailored to your specific aircraft configuration with accurate fuel burn prediction for the flight before take-off.
FlexPerf Trip Performance for Universal Avionics SBAS-Flight Management System (FMS) and Multi-Missions Management System (MMMS) provides advanced fuel saving predictions for aircraft performance in Climb, Cruise and Descent phases of flight. It is available in FMS Software Control Number (SCN) 1001 and MMMS SCN 1101.
For support with your FlexPerf Database, please contact our Customer Support department:
Tel: 520-573-7627 · 800-595-5906
Fax: 520-295-2384
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Developed by Universal Avionics and available for specific aircraft models from select OEMs, the Advanced Performance Database is used by the Flight Management System (FMS) to provide you with takeoff and landing data, including V-speeds and N1 settings. Simply input aircraft state information (flap settings, runway conditions, etc.) along with verification of items such as altitude and temperature, to enable the FMS to achieve the performance calculations.
With the Advanced Performance Database, you are able to obtain Climb/Cruise and Take-Off and Landing Data (TOLD) for your aircraft. This reduces the amount of time to calculate and look up the speeds and runways requirements for a vast array of possibilities for take-off and landing.
For support with your Advanced Performance Database, please contact our Customer Support department:
Tel: 520-573-7627 · 800-595-5906
Fax: 520-295-2384
Email Customer Support